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behaviour equation

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stiff equation — In mathematics, a stiff equation is a differential equation for which certain numerical methods for solving the equation are numerically unstable, unless the step size is taken to be extremely small. It has proven difficult to formulate a precise …   Wikipedia

  • Duffing equation — A Poincaré section of the forced Duffing equation suggesting chaotic behaviour The Duffing equation is a non linear second order differential equation used to model certain damped and driven oscillators. The equation is given by …   Wikipedia

  • Schrödinger equation — For a more general introduction to the topic, please see Introduction to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation — The theoretical and experimental justification for the Schrödinger equation motivates the discovery of the Schrödinger equation, the equation that describes the dynamics of nonrelativistic particles. The motivation uses photons, which are… …   Wikipedia

  • differential equation — Math. an equation involving differentials or derivatives. [1755 65] * * * Mathematical statement that contains one or more derivatives. It states a relationship involving the rates of change of continuously changing quantities modeled by… …   Universalium

  • aggressive behaviour — Any action of an animal intended to injure an opponent or prey animal or to cause an opponent to retreat. Aggression may be caused by various stimuli. Within its own group, an animal must display aggressive postures to maintain its position… …   Universalium

  • Diffusion equation — The diffusion equation is a partial differential equation which describes density fluctuations in a material undergoing diffusion. It is also used to describe processes exhibiting diffusive like behaviour, for instance the diffusion of alleles in …   Wikipedia

  • Callan-Symanzik equation — In physics, the Callan Symanzik equation is the renormalization relation that tells how the coupling constant changes with momentum in a quantum field theory.It was discovered independently by Curtis Callan [C. G. Callan, Jr., Broken Scale… …   Wikipedia

  • Swift-Hohenberg equation — The Swift Hohenberg equation is a partial differential equation noted for its pattern forming behaviour. It takes the form:frac{partial u}{partial t} = r u (1+ abla^2)^2u + N(u)where u = u ( x , t ) or u = u ( x , y , t ) is a scalar function… …   Wikipedia

  • partial differential equation — Math. a differential equation containing partial derivatives. Cf. ordinary differential equation. [1885 90] * * * In mathematics, an equation that contains partial derivatives, expressing a process of change that depends on more than one… …   Universalium

  • Schrödinger equation — Physics. the wave equation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Also called Schrödinger wave equation. Cf. wave equation (def. 2). [1950 55; after E. SCHRÖDINGER] * * * Fundamental equation developed in 1926 by Erwin Schrödinger that established …   Universalium

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